
Implement the principles of Montessori education and philosophy to cultivate in students
a spirit of collaboration, community, responsible citizenship, perseverance, and a joy for
learning, to create a better world.


We envision a school community that fosters in each student strong moral character,
curiosity, problem-solving skills, and the ability to achieve their full potential throughout
their lifetime.

Core Values

We develop in students a sense of empathy and encourage kindness towards
ourselves, others, and our environment.

Experiential Learning
We believe that hands-on learning, through exploration of the prepared environment,
promotes deeper understanding of all subject matter.

Respect for The Child
We are committed to respecting children as individuals and supporting them on their
journeys of self-discovery.

Appreciation for Nature
We cultivate in our students a love for, and understanding of, the natural world and our
responsibility as global citizens to our planet Earth.

Click here to read our Bullying Prevention Policy.